1982-1989: Primary Assistant Teacher, Basic Education High School, Pinlebu Township, Sagaing Region
1989-1999: Junior Assistant Teacher, Basic Education High School, Pinlebu Township, Sagaing Region
1999-2000: Senior Assistant Teacher, Basic Education High School, Pinlebu Township, Sagaing Region
2000-2002: Tutor, Department of Educational Psychology, Sagaing University of Education
2002-2010: Tutor, Department of Educational Psychology, Yangon University of Education
2010-2014: Assistant Lecturer, Department of Educational Psychology, Yangon University of Education
2014-2018: Lecturer, Department of Educational Psychology, Yangon University of Education
2018-2019: Associate Professor and Head, Department of Educational Psychology, Sagaing University of Education
2019-2021: Professor and Head, Department of Educational Psychology, Sagaing University of Education
2021 to the Present: Professor and Head, Department of Educational Psychology, Yangon University of Education
Academic Background
1988: B.Sc (Credit) Physics, Mandalay Artss and Science University
1999: B.Ed. (Credit), Mandalay University of Education
2001: M.Ed. (Credit), Mandalay University of Education
2007: PhD (Education), Yangon University of Education
Other experience:
2017: Study Tour to Japan
Graduate School:
Membership of academic societies:
Other Training:
Khin Hnin Nwe. (2009). A diagnostic assessment model for mathematics in upper secondary level. Journal of The Myanmar Academy of Arts and Science, 7(8), 221-236.
Khin Hnin Nwe & Hay Mar Myat Kyaw. (2011) An assessment of pre-school children’s development in motor skills and cognitive skills. Universities Research Journal, 4(6), 207 - 221.
Khin Hnin Nwe & Soe Yu Hlaing. (2011). Establishing rapport for enrichment programme of school guidance. YIOE Research Journal, 3(1), 27 – 35.
Khin Hnin Nwe & Khin Phyu Phyu Thet. (2012). School-prompted interest in science learning at high school level. Universities Research Journal, 5(7), 183 – 193.
Khin Hnin Nwe & Ei Mon Phyoe. (2014). Parental involvement in students’ mathematics learning at upper primary level. Universities Research Journal, 6(6), 113 – 127.
Khin Hnin Nwe & Chaw Yee Mon Htay. (2015). An investigation of middle school students’ motivation towards science learning. Universities Research Journal, 7(6), 193 – 208.
Khin Hnin Nwe & Ei Thuzar Kyaw. (2015). Diagnostic assessment on slow learners in Grade Ten Physics. Journal of The Myanmar Academy of Arts and Science, 13(11B), 467 – 480.
Khin Hnin Nwe & Yin Yin Swe. (2016). Social emotional learning skills and life satisfaction of student teachers. Journal of The Myanmar Academy of Arts and Science, 14(10), 127 – 143.
Khin Hnin Nwe & Aye Pomo Chit. (2016). Emotional creativity and personality traits of student teachers. YUOE Research Journal, 6(1), 193 – 205.
Khin Hnin Nwe & Win Win Thandar. (2017). Parental attachment on adolescent perception of the school environment and school connectedness of high school students. Journal of The Myanmar Academy of Arts and Science, 15(10A), 211 – 229.
Khin Hnin Nwe & Khaing Cho Min. (2017). Pro-social behaviour of lower secondary students and their parenting styles. Universities Research Journal, 9(3), 139 – 157.
Khin Hnin Nwe & Win Malar Phyoe. (2018). Reflective thinking and learning approaches of student teachers. Universities Research Journal, 10(8), 130 – 150.
Khin Hnin Nwe & Su Thinzar Phyoe. (2018). Psychological barriers to self-understanding of student teachers. Universities Research Journal, 10(8), 163 – 180.
Soe Yu Hlaing & Khin Hnin Nwe. (2018). An investigation into the factors influencing rapport establishment on Grade 8 students. Journal of The Myanmar Academy of Arts and Science, 16(9B), 265 - 286
Zin Cho Cho Nway & Khin Hnin Nwe. (2018). Teaching styles and personality types of teachers. Journal of The Myanmar Academy of Arts and Science, 16(9B), 287 – 303.
Khin Hnin Nwe & Mya Hnin Aye. (2018). Peer pressure on sense of school belonging of middle school students. Research Journal of Dagon University, 9(7), 187 – 193.
Hnin Ei Zar & Khin Hnin Nwe. (2019). Teachers’ perceptions, beliefs and practices of student motivation. Journal of The Myanmar Academy of Arts and Science, 17(9), 201 – 222.
Thin Thin Soe & Khin Hnin Nwe. (2019). Teachers’ attitudes towards inclusion of children with disabilities. Journal of The Myanmar Academy of Arts and Science, 17(9), 131 – 152.
Khin Hnin Nwe & Tin Zar Chi Win. (2019). Students’ perceptions of campus climate and social support to adjustment to education colleges. Universities Research Journal, 11(5), 21 - 37
Khin Hnin Nwe, Nilar Win & Su Myat Aye. (2019). General self-efficacy and psychological distress of Grade 10 students in Tamu Township. Journal of SUOE, 10(2), 51 – 60.
Shwe Yi Win & Khin Hnin Nwe. (2020). An analysis of the impact of play on preschool children’s social skills development. Journal of The Myanmar Academy of Arts and Science, 18(9B), 231 – 24
Ohn Mar Win & Khin Hnin Nwe. (2020). Attitude scale for student teachers towards teaching profession. Journal of The Myanmar Academy of Arts and Science, 18(9B), 501-512.
Zay Nyi Nyi Tun & Khin Hnin Nwe. (2020). Logical-mathematical intelligence and mathematics achievement of Grade 9 students in Salin Township. Journal of The Myanmar Academy of Arts and Science, 18(9B), 527-544.
Htay Htay Sin & Khin Hnin Nwe. (2020). Self-compassion and emotional regulation of pre-service teachers. Journal of The Myanmar Academy of Arts and Science, 18(9B), 545-554.
Mi Mi & Khin Hnin Nwe. (2020). Self-directed learning and academic self-efficacy of education college students. Journal of The Myanmar Academy of Arts and Science, 18(9B), 595-604.
Pan Thazin San & Khin Hnin Nwe. (2020). Metacognitive awareness and mathematics anxiety of Grade 10 students in Meikhtila Township. Journal of The Myanmar Academy of Arts and Science, 18(9B), 617-634.