Dr. Thanda Tun (Professor)
Department of Biology
- Career Summary
- Educational Activities
- Research Activities
- Other Activities
- Future Plan
- Messages to Students
1994-2002: Demonstrator, Zoology Department, Worker’s College and University of Yangon
2002-2006: Assistant Lecturer, Zoology Department ,University of Yangon, Lowikaw University
2006-2011: Lecturer, Zoology Department , East Yangon University
2011-2017: Associate Professor, Zoology Department, Mawlamyine University and West University
2017-to the present: Professor, Zoology Department, Dawei University and Yangon University of Education
Academic Background
1987: B.Sc (Hons) Zoology, University of Yangon
1994: M.Sc Zoology (Entomology), University of Yangon
2004: PhD Ichthyology & Ecology, University of Yangon and Wuerzburg University, (DAAD Sandwich Scheme)
2005-2006:Diploma in RS and GIS, University of Yangon
Other experience:
Experience in Teaching
Under Graduate (1st year to Final BSc. Classes)
MSc. I.
Internal examiner
External examiner
M.Res Supervisor
MSc Supervisor
PhD Co supervisor
Chair Person for MSc Thesis
Editors in Chief (Editorial Board URJ)
2002-2006: Assistant Lecturer, Zoology Department ,University of Yangon, Lowikaw University
2006-2011: Lecturer, Zoology Department , East Yangon University
2011-2017: Associate Professor, Zoology Department, Mawlamyine University and West University
2017-to the present: Professor, Zoology Department, Dawei University and Yangon University of Education
Academic Background
1987: B.Sc (Hons) Zoology, University of Yangon
1994: M.Sc Zoology (Entomology), University of Yangon
2004: PhD Ichthyology & Ecology, University of Yangon and Wuerzburg University, (DAAD Sandwich Scheme)
2005-2006:Diploma in RS and GIS, University of Yangon
Other experience:
Experience in Teaching
Under Graduate (1st year to Final BSc. Classes)
MSc. I.
Internal examiner
External examiner
M.Res Supervisor
MSc Supervisor
PhD Co supervisor
Chair Person for MSc Thesis
Editors in Chief (Editorial Board URJ)
Graduate School:
Membership of academic societies:
Other Training:
Training and Conference
- SSYS (Search for SEAMEO young Scientist) Training, Zoology Department, University of Yangon
- Information & Communication Technology (ICT) Course, Department of Computer Studies, University of Yangon
- German language course given in University of Foreign Language for Scholars, Foreign languages University
- German Language Course (Grundstufe 1, 2, 3), Goethe-Institute, Mannhein. Germany
- English Language Intermediate Course, University of Wuerzburg, Germany
- Presentation program Power Point, University of Wuerzburg, Germany
- Statistic Data analysis with SPSS Program, University of Wuerzburg, Germany
- Introduction to GIS conducted by Dr. Johannes Hamhaber, Department of Geography University of Yangon
- eLibrary Myanmar project at West Yangon University Training for Academic Staff, West Yangon University
2001-2004, Scholar PhD Students within the "Sandwich Scheme” DAAD
Germany 2006, Workshop in Oberchoken, Germany, for Carl Zeiss Scanning Electron Microscope EVO LS system and Zeiss Multiviewing, Germany
Membership of academic societies:
Other Training:
Training and Conference
- SSYS (Search for SEAMEO young Scientist) Training, Zoology Department, University of Yangon
- Information & Communication Technology (ICT) Course, Department of Computer Studies, University of Yangon
- German language course given in University of Foreign Language for Scholars, Foreign languages University
- German Language Course (Grundstufe 1, 2, 3), Goethe-Institute, Mannhein. Germany
- English Language Intermediate Course, University of Wuerzburg, Germany
- Presentation program Power Point, University of Wuerzburg, Germany
- Statistic Data analysis with SPSS Program, University of Wuerzburg, Germany
- Introduction to GIS conducted by Dr. Johannes Hamhaber, Department of Geography University of Yangon
- eLibrary Myanmar project at West Yangon University Training for Academic Staff, West Yangon University
2001-2004, Scholar PhD Students within the "Sandwich Scheme” DAAD
Germany 2006, Workshop in Oberchoken, Germany, for Carl Zeiss Scanning Electron Microscope EVO LS system and Zeiss Multiviewing, Germany
A biodiversity survey in Mon and Kayin States and Mandalay Division with particular reference to small mammals (Collaborative study of University of Yangon and Harrison Institute) (2000)
A new Parasphaerichthys species (order: Perciformes) of wetland freshwater in Myanmar and diversity of fishes in some seasonal lakes (2001) The journal of Myanmar zoological society vol.4, No.1, February 2001
Land cover analysis and bioindicator intices (2006)
Study on some collected fishes of Loikaw Markets (2007)
Species occurrence of birds around Loikaw University (2007)
Dstribution and host preference of the ant species Oecophylla smaragdina in Thanlyin Township, Yangon Division Region (2010)
Composition and distribution of butterfly species in Mawlamyine University environs (2012) A Study on fish species composition and water quality of Kamoethway River and Ban River, Tanintharyi Region (2021) Research award from Department of Higher Education
Dr Paul Bates, Malcom Pearch, Dr Si Si Hla Bu, Dr Khin Maung Swe, Thanda Tun (2000) A review of bat research in Myanmar (Burma) and results of a recent survey. Acta
Chiropterology, Vol 1,P 53-82
Thanda Tun (2010) Species richness and diversity of freshwater fishes in some seasonal lakes of Ayeyarwady River, Universities Research Journal, Vol. 3(4), p 241-542
Thanda Tun (2011) Some fishery resources and socio-economics of Coco Island, Mawlamyine University Research Journal, Vol. 3 (1) p 140-147
Thanda Tun (2018) Species composition and diversity of some fishes from Gyaing River around Zarthapyin and Tayana villages, Dawei University Research Journal, Vol. 10 (1) p 137-146
Thanda Tun (2019) Species composition of some avifauna in Yephyu Township, Tanintharyi Division, Research papers in commemoration of the foundation day of Dawei, p 139-151
Thanda Tun, Latt Latt Htwe, Nay Htet Lin and Win Thit Oo (2020) A study on fish species composition in Dawei River around Yephyu and Sinseik villages, Tanintharyi Region, Universities Research Journal, Vol. 12,
Myat Thu, Ei Shwe Sin Oo and Thanda Tun (2020) Investigation on growth and survival rate of goldfish by using different siets, East Yangon University Research Journal, Vol. 8 (2) p 165-170