Daw Lwin Zar Aung (Tutor)
Department of Educational Theory and Management
- Career Summary
- Educational Activities
- Research Activities
- Other Activities
- Future Plan
- Messages to Students
2009-2014: JuniorTeacher,Basic Education High School (Branch) South Dagon Township, Yangon Region
2014-2016: Senior Teacher, Basic Education High School Dala Township, Yangon Region
2016-2022: Senior Teacher, Basic Education High School Botahtaung Township, Yangon Region
2020 to the Present: Tutor, Department of Educational Theory and Management, Yangon University of Education
Academic Background
2008: BEd, Yangon University of Education
2012: MEd (Educational Administration and Supervision),Yangon University of Education
2014-2016: Senior Teacher, Basic Education High School Dala Township, Yangon Region
2016-2022: Senior Teacher, Basic Education High School Botahtaung Township, Yangon Region
2020 to the Present: Tutor, Department of Educational Theory and Management, Yangon University of Education
Academic Background
2008: BEd, Yangon University of Education
2012: MEd (Educational Administration and Supervision),Yangon University of Education
Graduate School:
Lwin Zar Aung, Dr Aye Aye Cho, Developing Indicators for Primary Level Teachers’ Competency Regarding “Questioning Strategies and Assessment”.
Lwin Zar Aung, Dr Aye Aye Cho, Developing Indicators for Primary Level Teachers’ Competency Regarding “Questioning Strategies and Assessment”.
Academic teacher who is responsible for sharing knowledge to students and be continuous learner by self.
Be enthusiastic in teaching and learning.