Daw Phyo Su Khin(Curriculum and Methodology)

Daw Phyo Su Khin (Tutor)
Department of Curriculum and Methodology
2014-2015: Junior Assistant Teacher, Basic Education
2015-2022: Senior Assistant Teacher, Basic Education
2022 to the present: Tutor, Department of Curriculum and Methodology, Yangon University of Education

Academic Background
2013: B.Ed, Yangon University of Education
2017: M.Ed, Yangon University of Education
2012: Certificate in English Language Proficiency, Yangon University of Foreign Language
2017: Diploma in English Language Proficiency, SEAMEO CHAT
2021: Certificate in Japanese Language Proficiency, Chiba University, Japan
2022: Diploma in Education, Chiba University, Japan

Other experience:
2021-2022: Student Assistant, English House, Chiba University, Japan
2021-2022: English Teacher, ASCENT program, Chiba University, Japan
Graduate School: Yangon University of Education
Undergraduate: Yangon University of Education
Membership of academic societies:
Other Training:

2020: Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho, MEXT) Scholarship Awards
2021: Silver Medal at the International Putra InnoCreative Poster Competition
International Text Book Publication
No international textbook publication.

1. Phyo Su Khin, Daw Kyi Swe (2018): The Impact of Students’ Motivation on their Academic Achievement in Science at the Middle School Level, Journal of the Myanmar Academy of Arts and Science, Vol.16, No.9A, 219-231pp.
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