Dr. Thin Thin Si(Mathematics)

Dr. Thin Thin Si(Professor)
Department of Mathematics
2002 - 2003 : Tutor, Department of Mathematics, Hinthada University
2003 - 2008: Tutor, Department of Mathematics, Yangon University
2008 - 2010: Tutor, Department of Mathematics, Myeik University
2010 - 2010: Tutor, Department of Mathematics, Yangon University of Education
2010 - 2014: Assistant Lecturer, Department of Mathematics, Yangon University of Education
2014 - 2015: Lecturer, Department of Mathematics, Yangon University of Education
2015 - 2016: Lecturer, Department of Mathematics, Kyaing Tong University
2016 - 2018: Lecturer, Department of Mathematics, Yangon University
2018 - 2019: Associate Professor, Department of Engineering Mathematics, Technological University (Lashio)
2019 - 2021: Associate Professor, Department of Engineering Mathematics, Yangon Technological University
2021 - 2024: Professor (Head), Department of Mathematics, Pakokku University
2024 to the Present: Professor, Department of Mathematics, Yangon University of Education

Academic Background
1995: BSc (Mathematics), University of Yangon
2001: MSc (Engineering Mathematics), University of Yangon
2002: MRes (Mathematics), University of Yangon
2007: PhD (Mathematics), University of Yangon

Other experience:
2017 - 2024: Supervising the dissertation of the MSc students who worked with the field specialization in Department of Mathematics.
Other Training:
- Training on English Language Course for Higher Education Teachers, Department of English, University of Yangon
- Training on Staff Upgrading English Language Proficiency Course (No.1), Yangon University of Education
- Training on International Auditor Course (2019), Myanmar Engineering Council, Yangon
- Training on Presentation and Facilitation Skills Courses, Yangon Technological University
- Training on NAQAC Online Workshops on IQA for Myanmar Universities 2020, Yangon Technological University
Thin Thin Si (2019) “ A Characterization of Wave Solutions of the Korteweg-Devries Equation,” The Annual University Journal on Innovative Research and Products, Vol.2, Issue 1, University of Computer Studies, Loikaw, 579-586 pp.
Thin Thin Si (2022) “ Semirings: Arithmetic and Geometry,” Pakokku University Research Journal, Vol.13, 350-358 pp.
Thin Thin Si (2023) “ Finite Element Method with in Creased Accuracy and A New Formulation for the Stefan Problem,” Pakokku University Research Journal, Vol.14, 431-439 pp.
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