Dr. Kalayar Win Maung (Associate Professor)
Department of Biology
(a) B.Sc (Hons),Zoology, University of Yangon, Myanmar
(b) M.Sc (Zoology), University of Yangon, Myanmar
(c) M.Res (Zoology), University of Yangon, Myanmar
(d) Ph.D (Ichthyology), University of Yangon, Myanmar
(a)Demonstrator (1-2-2002 - 1-3-2010)
(b)Assistant Lecturer (1-3-2010 - 24-12-2014)
(c)Lecturer (24-12-2014 - 12-10-2021)
(d)Associate Professor (12-10-2021- to date)
I have been given lectures and practical classes to the students since 2002. These lectures are Applied Ichthyology, Parasitology, Invertebrate aquatic organisms, Fish Nutrition and Fisheries Management.
Fish Reproduction, Aquatic animal nutrition, Fisheries management
(1) Study of aquatic animal diagnostic training in aquaculture system at Nong Lum University, Vietnam (February -May, 2017)
(2) Curriculum Development Training for Fisheries and Aquaculture (February,2018)
(3) The 1st workshop for supporting Fisheries and Aquaculture Bachelor Degree Curriculum (May,2018)
(4) The 2nd workshop for supporting Fisheries and Aquaculture Bachelor Degree Curriculum (July,2018)
(5) The 3rd workshop for supporting Fisheries and Aquaculture Bachelor Degree Curriculum (August, 2018)
(6) The 4th workshop for supporting Fisheries and Aquaculture Bachelor Degree Curriculum (December,2018)
(7) Workshop on Fish Taxonomy Training at Institute of Fishery Technology (IFT) (May,2019)
(8) The 5th workshop for supporting Fisheries and Aquaculture Bachelor Degree Curriculum (May,2019)
(9) Online Training of Proposal Writing presented by Partners of the America’s Farmer-to-Farmer Myanmar Program (6-10 July, 2020)
(10) Online Training of Course description for BSc (Fisheries and Aquaculture)(20-24July, 2020)
(11) Online Training Course on Community-Based Freshwater Aquaculture for Remote Rural Areas of Southeast Asia (16-25 November, 2021)
(12) Online Training Workshop on Modern Technologies for South East Asia Countries (Technical Level) (Oct 18- Dec 6, 2021)
(1) Asian Pacific Aquaculture, 2019 Symposium in India (19-21 June,2019)
Seasonal variations of gonadal development of female Tenualosa ilisha (Hamilton, 1822), Kalayar Win Maung*, Thida Ei, Than Than Myint, Moe Thandar Oo , Tin Tin Aye, Kay Lwin Tun
(2) International Fisheries Symposium (IFS,2019 ) in Malaysia (18-21 November, 2019)
Comparison of different doses of hormone provisions on the reproductive performance of Prochilodus lineatus ( Valenciennes, 1837), Kalayar Win Maung*, Than Than Myint ,Thida Ei, ,Kay Lwin Tun
(1) The Hitachi Global Foundation Asia Innovation Award 2020 (November, 2020) (As a follower)
(2) FRDN Project(My Fish II) 2018-2021, Department of Fisheries, World Fish
(3) Insect meal project( 2019),Spectrum ,Sustainable Development Knowledge Network
(4) Higher Education Research Funding ( 2020-2021)
(1) Journal of the Myanmar Academy of Arts and Science, Vol XIII, No.4, June 2015, Zoology Histological study and reproductive development of female Tenualosa (Hamilton, 1822), Kalayar Win Maung*,Tin Tin Aye.
(2) Bago URJ, Vol.8,No-1, Aug,2018, Evaluation of socio-economic status and fishery activities in Pyinbongyi Village, Bago Township, Khin Swe Wynn, Kalayar Win Maung*, Aye Aye Kyu, Khin Htwe Win.
(3) Maubin URJ, Vol-9, July, 2018, Breeding performace, embryonic and larval development of stinging catfish, Heteropneustes fossilis (Bloch, 1794), Than Than Myint, Si Si Than, Kalayar Win Maung*, Sandar Win, Tin Oo.
(4) Journal of the Myanmar Academy of Arts and Science, Vol XVII, No.3,August 2019 , Reproductive biology of female Indo-Pacific king Mackerel, Scomberomorus guttatus (Bloch&Schnider,1801) from Kyauk- Phyu environs, Rakhine State, Khin July Han, Kalayar Win Mung*, Sandar Win
(5) Pyay URJ, Vol.11,No-1, Deceber,2019, Length-weight relationship of Ompok bimaculatus from Ayeyarwady River, Pyay Segments. Moh Moh Khin, Kalayar Win Maung*, Cho Cho Win.
(6) 1st Myanmar International Science and Culture Conference 2019,MISCC 2019, Vol.1,No-1, Deceber,2019, Species composition and abundance status of small indigenous fish species (SIS) in Bawle Kyun, Htantabin Township, Yangon Region, Htike Htike Lin, Kalayar Win Maung*, Thida Aung
(7) Bago URJ, Vol.10,No-1, April,2020, Investigation of fishing gears in Pyinbongyi Village, Bago Township,Bago Region, Khin Swe Wynn, Aye Aye Kyu, Nyein Nyein Moe, Kalayar Win Maung*, Khin Htwe Win.
(8) Journal of the Myanmar Academy of Arts and Science, Vol XVIII, No.3,July 2020 , Nutritional values of some selected small indigenous fish species (SIFS) in Bawle Kyun, Htantabin Township, Yangon Region, Htike Htike Lin, Kalayar Win Maung*, Thida Aung
(9) Journal of the Myanmar Academy of Arts and Science, Vol XVIII, No.3,July 2020, Artificial propagation of Seabass, Lates calcarifer (Bloch,1790) in Myeik Archipelago, Yu Yu Htwe, Thida Ei, Kalayar Win Maung*
(10) Journal of the Myanmar Academy of Arts and Science, Vol. XXI. No.3, 2023 Alternative protein source for aqua feed production for catfish, Pangasius hypothalamus (Sauvage, 1878), Kalayar Win Maung*, Khin Thuzar Win, Saw Marlar Than, Tin Lay Mon, Kay Lwin Tun
(11) University of Yangon Research Journal, 2022, Vol 11, No.2, Alternative Protein source for fish meal production focusing on the protein contents of cockroach, Tin Lay Mon, Khin Thuzar Win, *Kalayar Win Maung, Kay Lwin Tun
(12) 4thSSCOE,Proceeding of the 5th International Conference on Substantial Collaboration of Ocean and Earth Science between Myanmar and China, November 2021, Nutritionnal Analysis of Some Fishery Products of Small Indigenous Fish Species, Htike Htike Lin,*Kalayar Win Maung, Soe Soe Htwe, Thin New Ni Tun and Ei Ei Phyo
(13) 5thSSCOE,Proceeding of the 5th International Conference on Substantial Collaboration of Ocean and Earth Science between Myanmar and China, November 2022, Proximate Composition of Some Small Indigenous Fish Species in Ye Paw Thaung Village, Htantabin Township, Htike Htike Lin,*Kalayar Win Maung, Mya Mya Win, Ei Ei Phyo, Thin New Ni Tun and May Moe Tun
(14) Hakha University Research Journal, 2023, Vol.3, Determination of Ovarian Maturity Stages of Tenualosa toil (Valenciennes, 1847) from Kyimyindine Fish Market, Kalayar Win Maung*, Aung Zeya Soe, Thin Thin Khaing, Tin Tin Aye
(15) Hakha University Research Journal, 2023, Vol.3, Isolation and Identification of some Rhizobium Bacteria from Root Nodules and Rhizosphere of Groundnut Plants in Hlegu Township, Yangon Region, Aung Zeya Soe, Kalayar Win Maung*, Thazin, Zam Sian Huai
(16) Hakha University Research Journal, 2023, Vol.3, Occurrence and Species of Some Spider Species in Monywa University Campus, Thin Thin Khaing, Zin Mar Win, Kalayar Win Maung*,New New Khaing